This article could help you to save you a significant amount of money and minimise risk when negotiating a lease on either a new office premises or an extension to your current lease term.
Measure the size of your…
Commercial property is a huge market in the UK. In fact, the PIA Property Data Report 2015 states that commercial property accounts for 13% of the value of all buildings in the country.
It also reports that over the last…
Despite the Brexit vote and the slowing in the rate of growth in the UK economy since the beginning of the year, UK businesses have been showing considerable resilience as they contemplate their property requirements over the longer term, according…
Are London office rents continuing to rise?
Although the commercial property picture portrayed in the media isn’t as optimistic as it was before June’s EU referendum, there is no question that London has experienced a surge…
Whether you’re planning an office relocation due to expansion, local amenities or rent, it’s vital that you consider the impact this will have on one of your greatest assets – your workforce. The stages listed below will help you…